Death Warmed over…

You know, considering I’m immuno-compromised, I am kind of surprised that I’ve not managed to catch every single bug that’s floating around.

This is a good thing, of course, that I’ve not gotten sick, but it still rather amazes me.

I am feeling like utter crap and I don’t know what to do about it. I have the house temperature jacked up to 25C, I’ve been completely clothed in flannel jammies, woolly socks + kitty hat to keep my head warm. At one point this weekend, I had a mask on just to keep the air I was breathing warm as to not irritate my throat and lungs as much which would evidently cause massive coughing bouts. I even have a big heavy blanket and on top of which a heating pad set to its hightest temperature.

Wearing the kitty hat and mask together prompted The Hubbs’ threat to take pictures of my pathetic looking self, but he took pity on me and just tucked me up into bed instead.

I cancelled all my appointments for this week with the exception of Hawt Doc. For one, I don’t think anyone wants me infecting their whole office of patients and secondly, I don’t think I will have the energy to drive anywhere, let alone have the mental capacity to talk to any of my doctors of what’s been going on for the last 6 months (in the case of Sinus Guy) to the last 2 years (Endocrinologist).

What I really need is for someone to tell me what tastes good to eat when I have neither the ability to taste or smell right now.

6 thoughts on “Death Warmed over…

    1. TeaseMeGirl

      Mmmm.. custard.
      I had a lot of lipton’s chicken noodle last week.. can’t taste it, unfortunately.. and the noodles (oddly enough) upset my tummy!

  1. Bacon tastes good. Pork chops tastes good. And apparently sewer rat tastes like pumpkin pie.
    Also, on top of what Trev said about clearning sinuses, wasabi’s good for that, so go get some sushi.

    1. TeaseMeGirl

      I had half a steak with horseradish… I couldn’t taste the horseradish at all.
      I also had bacon in my jr.whopper burger on Saturday, after coming back from the ER, and I couldn’t taste that either :/

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